The city of
Georgetown is named after
A story relayed to historians -
Washington Anderson, tells of Georgetown’s beginnings.
Anderson and the four other men assigned the task of
locating a county seat were enjoying a brief respite under a
large oak tree, when Anderson’s cousin and prodigious
George Washington Glasscock, Sr., (view
photo) rode up on his mule. Sensing a quick
solution to their task, Anderson spoke up, “George, if
you’ll give us all the land between here and the San Gabriel
River, we’ll make this the county seat and name the town
after you.” His cousin agreed, promptly donating 173 acres,
with his partner
Thomas B. Huling. Georgetown Texas is the county
seat of Williamson County which was formed on March the 13th
in the year of 1848. After the early settlers petitioned the
State Legislature to create it out of Milam County. But for
Three-Legged Willie the county could have been named "San
Gabriel" county. It was finally named after Robert M.
Williamson aka
Three-Legged Willie a Texas statesmen and judge
at the time.

click on thumbnail images for an enlarged view


image 9094
Public Square,
Georgetown, Texas

image 3005
Star Grocery Store, north side of square,
Georgetown, Texas ca. 1920's - Owners Joe
Munson and Tom Lundblad, behind counter |

image 3018
Barber Shop |

image 1024
Richard E. Talbot, born in Cambrigde, NY, 17
June 1816, of Irish immigrant parents. He
came to Texas with his wife and children in
1850's to join brothers Elias and Joseph
Talbot. Richard

image 1059
Kimbro and Friends in Front of Blacksmith
Shop. Georgetown, Texas ca 1890's

image 1001
The 5th and last Williamson County
Courthouse was built in 1910-1911 at
a cost of $120,000. Renovations were done in
1965 that changed much of the appearance.

image 1139
Knight's Spring &
Gant's Mill Photos

image 1059
Kimbro and Friends in Front of Blacksmith
Shop. Georgetown, Texas ca 1890's

image 2033
Georgetown Fire Dept. & R.O. "Bob" Davis,
who later became Fire Chief, 2nd from left
in truck.

image 1195
Adm. Mann Portrait

image 2002
Georgetown fireman including Lonnie Watkins,
in about 1919. l-r: Mr Mood, George Klohey,
Jeff Gordan, driver R.D. Bole Davis [Firechief],
Pat Goodlet, Sid Peerl [standing], M.
Wilcox. Mr. Davis and his wife lived
upstairs with a sliding pole in their

Marshall Carver High
School Plaque

image 1149
Berry's Mill, built 1848, NE of Georgetown,

image 2099A
Baby Shower for Lenen Howland, who is
expecting Lu Ann Howland, ca. Jan.

image 3027
Leo Darby with delivery Model T while
working for San Antonio Light
Newspaper, ca. 1932 |

image 1187
J.W. Fielder Family, ca 1888, standing:
Laura-daughter, Martha Jane Townsley-sister
in law, Susan Alice-wife, front Ollie, Earl,
J.W. Fielder,
Claude, Walter, and Collier. J.W Fielder, in
1873, married Susan Alice Townsey. Listed in
1880 Williamson County Census. 1885-bought
150 acres on San Gabriel River about 5 miles
SE of Georgetown.

image 4007
Williamson County Livestock Show, Victor
Kokel buys Carl Holmstom's Blue Ribbon Lamb,
ca.1965. Victor Kokel was President of the
Williamson County
Farm Bureau

image 5001
The original St. Johns United Methodist
Church and cemetery of Georgetown in 1900.
The congregation moved to 311 E. University
Ave in Georgetown |

image 5074
St. John's Swedish Methodist Church's nine
early preachers, Georgetown, Texas |

image 8024
Andrew Prikryl & Mary Zrubek's Wedding
Photo. Ceremony was at Courthouse,
Georgetown, Texas, March 6, 1886 |

image 8317
Anna Louise Trowbridge Talbot, wife of R.E.
Talbot, lived between Circlleville and
Jonah, Texas. Came to the area in 1853.
Brother of Joseph Talbot of Taylor, Texas
and brother of Elias Talbot, merchant in
Georgetown, Texas. Was friend of Sam
Houston, ca.1854

image 9031
Bell Cotton Gin, located SE of Georgetown

image 6017
Football Team

image 9074
L.N. "Lonnie" Watkins "Nook Confectionery",
South Side of Square, next to Burkhart's
Newstand, Georgetown, Texas, ca. 1920.

image 6013
Football Team, Carver High School,
Georgetown, Texas, ca. 1962

image 9088
Karen Thompson at Harper-Chessher House

image 6026
1963 Graduation Georgetown School of
Vocational Nursing, ca. 1963, Georgetown,
Texas, l-r: Dr. Douglas Benold, Sipirina
Richate, Katherine Kelley, Dr. James Shepard,
Jovita Richarte, Dr. H.R. Gady, Jr.

Georgetown Light
and Water Works
circa 1911

403 W. 9th
